Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation

Researchers & Health Professionals

AICIB aims to divulgate funding and clinical studies development opportunities to researchers and health professionals, facilitating scientific research at a national level.



Find here different funding possibilities for your clinical or biomedical research. Easy and fast access.


Find here webinars, conferences and workshops in clinical research field.

Clinical Research

How to value the population health through Clinical Research.

Clinical Project Management

Manage research projects to increase the potential of translation.

Translational Research

Research with translational potential: from lab to patient.

Accreditation Certification

To qualify and accredit our Clinical Research Centres.

Patients and caregivers

AICIB recognises the importance of the proximity and involvement of patients, of patients’ organisations and their caregivers.

doentes e cuidadores aicib  A AICIB reconhece a importância da proximidade e do envolvimento das pessoas portadores de doença, dos seus cuidadores e de organizações que representem um conjunto de pessoas que sofram da mesma patologia.

Partners and Industry

AICIB recognises the importance of industry and intends to create a strong cooperation and collaboration link with it to promote, conduct and perform hight quality clinical trials.